Law School Essentials Guides

Our guides help Law Students Prepare to Pass Law School and Bar Exams by Providing Essential Classroom Resources, Such as Outlines, Mnemonic Memory Guides and Links to Other Helpful Materials. 


What We Offer

We sell digital downloads in pdf format. You can purchase whichever topic in the class subject you need help memorizing or you can purchase the full package for each class subject. There are greater savings in purchasing the full package for each class.

Criminal Law

Contract Law

Commercial Law

Constitutional Law


Real Property Law

Federal Taxation


International Trade

Employment Law

By memorizing these checklists and black letter law you will find it easier to answer essay questions and save time to go into greater depth in your analysis. I used the criminal law, contracts, and torts checklists and black letter law mnemonics to take the First Year Law Student Exam administered by the California Bar.

Steven Richardson, President, Proterra Builders Inc.

About Law School Essentials

Law School Essentials, founded by Steven Scott Richardson, is an invaluable resource for law students seeking to excel academically and prepare for the challenges of the State Bar exam. With a diverse educational background encompassing a BS in Construction Management from Arizona State University, an MBA from the University of Phoenix, and an Executive Juris Doctor degree from Concord Law School, Steven understands the intricacies of multiple fields. Fueled by his personal experience of struggling through his initial year of law school without access to checklists or effective memorization techniques, Steven embarked on providing aspiring lawyers with the tools they need to succeed. While upper-level students were reluctant to share their strategies due to the competitive nature of the legal profession, Steven wished he had access to the comprehensive checklists and memory mnemonics offered on Law School Essentials before commencing his studies. This website serves as a complete guide, catering to the needs of law students preparing for essay exams and the State Bar exam. Steven's legal education enriched his executive role in the construction industry and propelled his success as the founder of a general contracting business. The skills he acquired during law school, particularly in negotiation, have been instrumental in his professional endeavors. Trust Law School Essentials will equip you with the necessary resources for your legal journey.

A statue of justice holding scales of justice
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